Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Australia : Is latent defects insurance a 'game changer' for the construction industry? by Alex Hartmann and Leigh Duthie of Baker and McKenzie
Change of relationship status : legal issues to consider on the Succession planning for blended families presented by Janene Bon and Claire Hawke-Gundill
Countersign podcast presented by Stewart Motha - Climate wreckage, pagan vitalities, and truth with William E. Connolly
"Happily ever after" : Disney and the Rule Against Perpetuities by David Allen Green on the law and lore blog
Integrating the Australian judicial system by Justice Gageler AC in (2023) 15(1) The Judicial Review 21
Law Report (ABC) for 11 April presented by Damien Carrick - ACT law to ban non-urgent surgery for intersex children; cryptocurrency in crime
Mind control or mindful control? The role of regulation in neurotechnology by Lesley Sutton and Moe Ayman of Gilbert + Tobin
More overseas companies to be subject to the Australian Privacy Act by Cameron Gascoyne and Clare Foran of Clayton Utz
"No longer fit for purpose" : the ACCC's proposal for a new Australian merger control regime by Andrew Rankin, Tom Griffith and Alexander Hamam of Piper Alderman
What's the go with work on public holidays? Full Federal Court has its say by Barnaby Austin of McCabes
You say "ed", they say "ad" : the fine line between lawful educational campaigns and unlawful advertising of therapeutic goods in Australia by Nicholas Tyacke, Greg Bodulovic and Alexandra De Zwart of DLA Piper