Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
2023 Spigelman Oration - Extraterritoriality in Australian law, The Honourable A S Bell
Consultation commences on further reforms to Fair Work laws by Stephen Trew and Adrian Zagami of Holding Redlich
The false promise of jurisdiction stripping by Daniel Epps and Alan M. Trammell, Columbia Law Review, Forthcoming
In conversation : Neuroscience, text, context and purpose, Justice Geoff Lindsay in conversation with Kevin Connor SC and Dr Hayley Bennett at NSW Bar Association
Judicial accountability – new developments and threats, Justice Logan, Commonwealth Lawyers' Conference
Keynote address at Information Law Conference, Lord Sales, Information Law and Automated Governance
Law Report (ABC) for 2 May presented by Damien Carrick - 'Sovereign citizens' in the courts
Privacy and AI – what are the risks? by Andrew Hynd of Holding Redlich
The role of courts in relation to arbitration, Justice Stewart, Keynote address to ACICA Corporate Members, Sydney
An urgent hearing of what became a 'non-urgent case' : Unions NSW v New South Wales [2023] HCA 4 by Josh Gibson on Australian Public Law
When can a court's decision be ignored? by The Hon Justice Kristen Walker, (2023) 46(2) Melbourne University Law Review (advance)
The Wigs Podcast from Stephen Lawrence (Black Chambers), Emmanuel Kerkyasharian (Forbes Chambers), Felicity Graham (Black Chambers) and Jim Minns - Felicity Graham - Unwigged
Worker and his mum are awarded compensation after work injury from Chamberlains