Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Between a rock and a hard place - when is a resignation voluntary or forced? by Trent Sebbens, Kiana Hunter, and Georgia Chahou of Ashurst
Bringing home reform : a principles-based approach to regulation of construction for residents' safety by Matthew Bell, (2023) 49(1) Monash University Law Review (advance)
Compliance with LEP controls held not to be a jurisdictional fact by Josie Walker and Charlotte O'Brien of Maddocks
Facial recognition technology : does the right not to be 'seen' beget the wrong of being 'mis-seen' by Peter Waters of Gilbert + Tobin
Farewells to Chief Justice Allsop AC - Sydney, Hobart, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide
A harsh reminder that parties must negotiate in good faith by Susanne Rakoczy, Eternity Lim and Kenya Walker of Maddocks
The ius gentium in the Graeco-Roman legal experience by Samantha Allan from The University of Edinburgh
In NSW, the DBP Act is about to extend to the commercial sector, encompassing projects involving hotels and aged care facilities by Matthew Taylor and Ryan James of Gadens
Law Pod UK Episode 185 : Is A.I. coming for the lawyers?, presented by Rosalind English, discussion with Professor Susskind
Law Report (ABC) for 23 May presented by Damien Carrick - Remorse and the law
Residential focus : jurisdiction to deal with DBPA claims – the story so far by Christine Jones and Meru Sharma of Holding Redlich
Reversing parliamentary defeat by delegated legislation : the case of the Public Order Act 1986 (Serious Disruption to the Life of the Community) Regulations 2023 by Tom Hickman KC and Gabriel Tan on UK Constitutional Law Association
The Wigs Podcast from Stephen Lawrence (Black Chambers), Emmanuel Kerkyasharian (Forbes Chambers), Felicity Graham (Black Chambers) and Jim Minns - Kathleen Folbigg - Serial killer or grave miscarriage of justice?