New journals

Adelaide law review, Volume 39(1), 2018 - in this issue : The judiciary and the public : judicial perceptions Kathy Mack, Sharyn Roach Anleu and Jordan Tutton / Neurodivergent women in 'clouded judgment' unnconscionability cases - an intersectional feminist perspective Brooke Murphy / Enabling professional development for sessional colleagues in law : reflections from the Smart Casual online initiative Alex Steel, Natalie Skead, Kate Galloway, Mary Heath, Anne Hewitt and Mark Israel / Trends in prosecutions for child sexual abuse in South Australia 1992-2012 Judy Cashmore, Patrick Parkinson and Alan Taylor / Justice and the vulnerable : extending the duty to prevent serious crimes against children to the protection of agricultural and research animals Amanda Whitfort / Lindsay v The Queen : homicide and the ordinary person at the juncture of race and sexuality Kent Blore / A statement on inclusive law and religion Paul Babie and Joshua Neoh / Offences against the person and sexually transmitted diseases : Aubrey v The Queen (2017) 260 CLR 305 James Morgan / 'Extreme circumstances' leave public service employees silent and uncertain : Chief of Defence Force v Gaynor (2017) 246 FCR 298 Jemma Potezny
Australian law journal, Volume 92(11), November 2018 - in this issue : Current issues Justice Francois Kunc (ed) The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month Justice Francois Kunc, Australia's first research measuring judicial stress and wellbeing : a preview of the findings Carly Schrever / Letter to the editor David Ash / Conveyancing and property Robert Angyal SC and Brendan Edgeworth (eds) Notices of action : the new de facto caveats clogging up Victoria's land titles Brett Harding, Law reform - Land Title Act 1994 (Qld) Professor Michael Weir / Around the nation : Victoria Justice Clyde Croft (ed) Finality in litigation and arbitration Justice Clyde Croft / Class actions Justice Michael B J Lee (ed) Class actions - a state of flux - certification and contingency fees Justice Michael B J Lee / Competition and consumer law John Kettle (ed) Competition in brief : is an agent still an agent and why it matters John Kettle / Corporations and securities Jason Harris (ed) Corporate cultures under scrutiny Jason Harris / Recent cases Ruth C A Higgins (ed) Evidence - criminal trial - sexual offences with child under 16 years - tendency evidence - admissibility - severance Ruth C A Higgins, Representative proceedings - competing representative proceedings - anti-suit injunctions sought in Supreme Court in respect of Federal Court proceedings - management of competing class actions in different courts Ruth C A Higgins / Sir Frederick Jordan's non-appointment to the High Court and his "queer views about federalism" Hon Keith Mason AC QC / Genocide : the static expansion to include the crime of forced expulsion Elizabeth R Plajzer / Tostee, criminal causation and provocation in domestic violence : a novel position Brendan Walker-Munro
Australian law journal, Volume 92(12), December 2018 - in this issue : Current issues Justice Francois Kunc (ed) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70 Justice Francois Kunc, 100 years of women in legal practice in New South Wales Justice Francois Kunc, National Integrity Commission back on the agenda Justice Francois Kunc, Judicial stress Justice Francois Kunc, Judicial bullying revisited Justice Francois Kunc, The Court of Justice of the European Union intervenes in Poland Justice Francois Kunc, Remembering Australian lawyer servicemen Justice Francois Kunc, New Australian president of the International Association of Judges Christopher Roper AM / Conveyancing and property Robert Angyal SC and Brendan Edgeworth (eds) The recent "careless mortgagee" exceptions to indefeasibility in Australia in light of New Zealand's Land Transfer Act 2017 (NZ) - an opportunity missed? Dr Justine Bell-James, Retreat from immediate indefeasibility? Brendan Edgeworth, The High Court on part performance Dorothy Hiu Wan Hou / Crime and evidence Justice Phillip Priest (ed) Special leave to appeal to the High Court in criminal cases : a change of approach? Justice Phillip Priest / Personalia Emily Vale (ed) Commonwealth - Chief Justice John Pascoe Sylvia R W Emmett, Chief Justice William Alstergren, New South Wales - Appointment of senior counsel, Victoria - Justice Melinda Richards, Western Australia - Chief Justice Peter Quinlan / Recent cases Ruth C A Higgins (ed) Corporations - service of originating process - Uniform Civil Procedure Rules r 6.2 provided for service within six months - Supreme Court (Corporations) Rules r 2.7 provided for service as soon as practicable after filing and, in any case, at least five days before date fixed for hearing - whether r 2.7 inconsistent with r 6.2 Ruth C A Higgins / By the skin of our teeth - the passing of the Women's Legal Status Act 1918 Hon Virginia Bell AC / Judicial review of the fairness and reasonableness, as between class members, of federal class action settlements Vince Morabito / Corporate knowledge : the search for the relevant mind(s) Daniel Reynolds
Brief, Volume 45(11), December 2018 - in this issue : Interview with Solicitor-General Joshua Thomson SC Jason MacLaurin / The need for lawyers Dr Lyria Bennett Moses / Trials and tribulations : Faith Cheok Fiona Poh / 2017/18 annual report / The ethics of settlement negotiations in employment disputes Mark Cox and Renae Harg / Cervantes in law Nicholas Hasluck AM, QC / The tale of the undergraduate editor John McKechnie QC / Family law case notes Robert Glade-Wright
Civil justice quarterly, Volume 38(1), 2019 - in this issue : Expanding the scope of dispute resolution and access to justice Masood Ahmed and Dorcas Quek Anderson / Civil mediation reform : balancing the scale of procedural and substantive justice Shahla Ali / Justicial judging : towards a renewal in problem solving access to justice Jean Francois-Roberge / The multi-door courthouse at middle age : life in Canada Archie Zariski / Ethical issuse in court-connected mediation Lola Akin Ojelabi / Judicial involvement in settlement conferences : opportunities and issues Tania Sourdin / Mediation in the Singapore Family Justice Courts : examining the mandatory mediation model under the judge-led approach Eunice Chua / "Fine words butter no parsnips" : can the principle of open justice survive the introduction of an online court? Sue Prince / The convergence of ADR and ODR within the courts : the impact on access to justice Dorcas Quek Anderson
Federal law review, Volume 46(4), 2018 - in this issue : Theories and practices of federalism in deeply divided societies Rosalind Dixon, Ron Levy and Mark Tushnet / Federalism and gender equality Susan Williams / The rejection of constitutional incremetalism in Nepal's federalisation Mara Malagodi / Fiscal decentralisation in a divided state : Bougainville in Papua New Guinea Satish Chand / 'A measure of autonomy' : federalism as protection for Malaysia's indigenous peoples Andrew James Harding / Federal accommodations of religions in Asia Baogang He, Laura Allison-Reumann and Michael Breen / Assessing Kenya's cooperative model of devolution : a situational analysis James Thuo Gathii and Harrison Mbori Otieno / A house divided : federalism and social conflict in Italy Amnon Lev / Judicial power and consociational federation : the Bosnian example Alex Schwartz / The democratic deficit of US federalism? Red state, blue state, purple? Vicki Jackson / The dilemma of indigenous self-government in Canada : indigenous rights and Canadian federalism Richard Stacey
Law quarterly review, Volume 135, January 2019 - in this issue : he common law : context and method Rt Hon Sir Philip Sales / Self-declarations of trust Sinead Agnew and Simon Douglas / Problems with Wednesbury unreasonableness in contract law : lessons from public law Ernest Lim and Cora Chan / The UK Senior Court's contribution to the global jurisprudence on international child abduction Professor Emeritus N V Lowe QC (Hon) / Dummy asset tracing Tatiana Cutts
New Zealand law journal, November 2018 - in this issue : Tax update Vivian Cheng / OECD guidelines and multinational enterprises Philippa Moran / What Bishop knew : Autumn tree Professor Susan Watson / Transactions section Brent O'Callahan / Evidence Bernard Robertson / Applying Israel's anti-boycott law to New Zealand activists Maria Hook / The international law gaze : Allard v Barbados Dr Alberto Alvarez-Jimenez / Beyond "doing a few interviews" Dr Bridgette Toy-Cronin
Public law, January 2019 - in this issue : Editors comment : The death of Sir Louis Blom-Cooper QC on 19 September 2018 Maurice Sunkin / Sir Louis Blom-Cooper QC and Public law : a tribute Gavin Drewry / Constitutional importance and permission for judicial review in the Court of Session : Wightman v Advocate General David Blair / Belhaj, justicability, and the "silhouette-like" act of state doctrine in tolerating torture Satvinder Juss / Protective costs orders in Hong Kong : a comparative analysis Martin Y C Kwan / Political pragmatism and constitutional principle : the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 Mark Elliott and Stephen Tierney / The rule of recognition and sources of law in Miller Asif Hameed / Brexit and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights Menelaos Markakis / Something old, something new : busting some myths about statutory instruments and Brexit Stephanie Pywell / Broadening the human rights discourse, realising socio-economic rights, and balancing rights to property : moving beyond the rhetoric of socio-economic rights and Scottish land reform Douglas S K Maxwell / A justicable right to food - a possibility for the United Kingdom? Geraldine Van Buren QC / Crowdfunding public interest judicial reviews : a risky new resource and the case for a practical ethics Joe Tomlinson
Sydney law review, Volume 40(4), December 2018 - in this issue : Non-State policing, legal pluralism and the mundane governance of "crime" Amanda Porter / The liability of Australian online intermediaries Kylie Pappalardo and Nicolas Suzor / Adolescent family violence : what is the role for legal responses? Heather Douglas and Tamara Walsh / Contracts against public policy : contracts for meretricious sexual services Angus Macauley / Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Kobelt : evaluating statutory unconscionability in the cultural context of an indigenous community Sharmin Tania and Rachel Yates