Interesting articles and podcasts

Brexit podcast : No confidence vote and next steps by Richard Bonnar and Paul Hardy of DLA Piper - summarises recent Brexit developments and next steps
Copyright infringement and the innocent infringement defence : The Dempsey Group Pty Ltd v Spotlight Pty Ltd [2018] FCA 2016 by Kerry Awerbuch of Gadens - considers The Dempsey Group Pty Ltd v Spotlight Pty Ltd [2018] FCA 2016 and "innocent infringement"
Digital health : software as a medical device by Eugenia Kolivos and Bethany Larum of Corrs Chambers Westgarth - examines software as a medical device
The edge that separates what is 'obvious' from what is 'significant' by Chad Farah of McCabe Curwood - considers civil liability and the decision in Bruce v Apex Software Pty Limited t/as Lark Ellen Aged Care [2018] NSWCA 330
The Fair Work Act and WHS Act : should they go in the recycling bin with used wrapping paper? by Tim Longwill, Scarlet Reid, Cameron Dean, Michael (Mick) Moy, Lydia Daly, Tom Reaburn, Liam Fraser and Nathan Roberts of McCullough Robertson - discusses challenges and disruptions in Australian workplaces such as the Federal election, weak wage growth, the 'gig' economy and a spike in workplace deaths and suggests likely solutions
Government regulates casual double dipping by Heinz Lepahe, Vanessa James-McPhee and Radhia Aku of HWL Ebsworth - in response to WorkPac Pty Limited v Skene [2018] FCAFC 131 the Fair Work Amendment (Casual Loading Offset) Regulations 2018 amended theFair Work Regulations 2009 (Cth) to permit employers, in certain circumstances, to claim that an employee's casual loading payments should be offset against certain entitlements owing to the employee
Made in Australia : tightened restrictions on the use of country of origin labels by Shaun Temby and Aman Dhingra of Maddocks - considers Nature's Care Manufacture Pty Ltd v Australian Made Campaign Limited [2018] FCA 1936 and "Made in Australia" claims
New year sees changes to the duration of copyright by Dan Pearce and Alicia Bray of Holding Redlich - changes to the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) came into effect on 1 January 2019, they simplify and standardise the duration of copyright protection in Australia
On courage by Lady Hale at the Millicent Fawcett Memorial Lecture 2018, London - examines moral courage
Red light speed camera – can I be booked for speeding when travelling through a green light? by Tyson Brown of Armstrong Legal - examines whether you can be booked for speeding when travelling through a green light
Reparation for victims of mass atrocities : reflections on key challenges by Clara Sandoval of University of Oxford - examines the right to reparation for victims of mass atrocities and contends that effective implementation of that right is largely unfulfilled