New journals

Alternative law journal, Volume 43(4), 2018 - in this issue : Compassion, animals and the law Steven White / A public appetite for poultry welfare regulation reform : why higher welfare regulation reform : why higher welfare labelling is not enough Christine Parker, Gyorgy Scrinis, Rachel Carey and Laura Boehm / Farm animal protection policymaking and the law : the impetus for change Steven White / Codes v regulations : how best to enforce animal welfare in New Zealand? Marcelo B Rodriguez Ferrere / A voice for wild animals : collaborative governance and human-wildlife conflict Katie Woolaston / Navigating human and non-human animal relations : Okja, Foucault and animal welfare laws Michelle Gunawan / The 'remarkable Tasmanian Devil' : the aesthetics of persecution and protection Benjamin J Richardson and Jan Hogan / Digital platforms under fire : what Australia can learn from recent developments in Europe Samson Esayas and Dan Svantesson / Keeping the neighbourhood safe : how does social media moderation control what we see (and think)? Melissa de Zwart / Mandatory sentencing? Use [with] discretion Kate Warner, Caroline Spiranovic, Arie Freiberg and Julia Davis / Reproductive justice : a framework for abortion law reform Kate Galloway and Jemima McGrath / Securing the Administrative Appeals Tribunal's independence : tenure and mechanisms of appointment James Morgan / Limitations of personal information in an online environment Gabriella Shailer / Moderating the power of social media Robert Corr
Law Institute journal, Volume 93(1&2), January/February 2019 - in this issue : Welcome to a new era Stuart Webb / New home for a new age Carolyn Ford / Meet the new LIV president Karin Derkley / Support for families and lawyer Karin Derkley / Justice Matthew Connock Belinda Wilson / Judge Carolene Gwynn Belinda Wilson / Succession strategies Daniel Butler and Shaun Backhaus / A dying wish... or lack thereof Richard Hughes / Taxing times Raoul D'Cruz, Jim Koutsokostas and Michael Parker / Breaking the chain Katie Murphy / In our opinion Paul A Czarnota / High Court judgments Andrew Yuile / Family law judgments Robert Glade-Wright / Supreme Court judgments Greg Reinhardt / High risk lending alert Legal Practitioners' Liability Committee / Committal system under review VLRC / Adjustment for cladding agreements Russell Cocks / New Financial Complaints Authority Chris Liamos / Client management data essential Chris Povey / Plan for the unexpected Fiona McLeay / Ensuring peace of mind Andrew Proebstl / Century old tradition continues Karin Derkley / Shooting for balance Karin Derkley
Law Society journal, Issue 52, February 2019 - in this issue : New Young Lawyers president making an impact Kate Allman / Six minutes with Isabelle Reinecke, Executive Director and Founder, Grata Fund Claire Chaffey / 'Lawyers are expected to tolerate sexual harassment or pay the price' Kate Jenkins / New president to boost visibility of solicitors Jane Southward / Meet the innovators Melissa Coade / So tired of waking up tired? Chris McBurnie / How positive thinking boosts performance Rachel Setti / A day in the life of... Damien MacRae, Intellectual property lawyer and melanoma advocate, King and Wood Mallesons Melissa Coade / Mic drop Melissa Coade / Breaking the silence on menopause at work Thea O'Connor / Make your new year's resolutions stick Jordan McCreary / The case that changed me Sarah Schwartz / The latest developments in Law Society advocacy and law reform / Constitutional aspects of the NSW costs assessment system Michelle Castle / 'Going dark' : the unprecedented government measures to access encrypted data Arthur Kopsias APM / Legal internships in NSW : experience or exploitation? / Owning your practice's cyber security : MSPs and you Simone Herbert-Lowe and Gabor Szathmari / Contingency and succession planning : a sole principal's plan for the unexpected Frances Moffitt / Aftermath of the casual conundrum : 'double dipping' and class actions Jack de Flamingh and Rachael Cage / Stalking and abuse in the digital age : what you can do to protect your clients Helen Campbell OAM / Watch your inbox! Online court has arrived Felicity Parkhill and Melissa Fenton / The latest from the High Court Andrew Yuile / Family law Robert Glade-Wright / Criminal law Thomas Spohr / Wills and estates Darryl Browne
Modern law review, Volume 82(1), January 2019 - in this issue : The publius paradox Adrian Vermeule / Concurrent duties Aaron Taylor / Mos geometricus and the common law mind : interrogating contract theory Shivprasad Swaminathan / UK abortion law : reform proposals, private members' bills, devolution and the role of the courts Robert Brett Taylor and Adelyn L M Wilson / Reducing homelessness or re-ordering the deckchairs? Dave Cowan / The end of innocence : open justice, free speech and privacy in the modern constitution - Khuja (formerly PNM) v Times Newspapers Limited Robert Craig / Marr v Collie : the ballooning of the common intention constructive trust Alexander Y S Georgiou / The promise and conundrums of pluralist jurisprudence Brian Z Tamanaha
Proctor, Volume 39(1), February 2019 - in this issue : Some thoughts on family lawyers Mike Emerson / The X7 factor : appeal adds to compulsory examinations case law Sarah Ford / Embracing tradition and transformation : diversity, partnership, leadership Melissa Raassina / Focus on future law Pip Harvey Ross / Guarding the rights of all Queenslanders : Human Rights Bill 2018 (Qld) Dan Rogers / Playing with fire : multiple client representation Stafford Shepherd / Preparing a trial bundle Kylie Downes QC / Home is where the risk is : moving forward on defect liability Harry Knowlman / FCC must follow FCA decisions unless plainly wrong Robert Glade-Wright / The rise of the DAO : disrupting 400 years of corporate structure Iain McGregor-Lowndes / Informal video will declared valid Christine Smyth / High Court casenotes Andrew Yuile / Court of Appeal judgments Bruce Godfrey / Break the mould to embrace disruptive leadership John Teerds / What's working - and what isn't? Graeme McFadyen / Alexander 'Lex' MacGillivray AM