New judgments

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Optus Mobile Pty Limited [2019] FCA 106 - consumer law, false and misleading representation in contravention of s 12DB(1)(b) of the Australian Securities and Investment Commission Act 2001 (Cth)
Ekermawi v Nine Network Australia Pty Limited [2019] NSWCATAD 29 - racial vilification, meaning of “ethno-religious origin”
McKell v The Queen [2019] HCA 5 - criminal practice, summing up, drug offences
R v Mercury [2019] NSWSC 81 - evidence, "objection to admissibility of alleged confession to murder"
Seymour Whyte Constructions Pty Ltd v Ostwald Bros Pty Ltd (In liquidation) [2019] NSWCA 11 - rectification of building contract
Victorian Legal Services Commissioner v McDonald [2019] VSCA 18 - legal practitioners, unsatisfactory professional conduct, "letters between solicitors alleging one solicitor was 'fundamentally dishonest' and telling lies"
Williams v Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community Council [2019] HCA 4 - constitutional law, inconsistency between Commonwealth and Territory laws