New journals

Australian law journal, Volume 93(1), January 2019 - in this issue : Current issues Justice Francois Kunc (ed) Special issue on climate change and the law Lesley Hughes, Book launch : The future of Australian legal education Hon Justice M J Beazley AO / Conveyancing and property Robert Angyal SC and Brendan Edgeworth (eds) More problems with instalment contracts in Queensland W D Duncan, How not to transact with the elderly and frail David D Knoll / Technology and the law Lyria Bennett Moses and Anna Collyer (eds) At the coalface Lyria Bennett Moses and Anna Collyer / Recent cases Ruth C A Higgins SC (ed) Breach of fiduciary duty - liability of third party participant - account of profits - causation - extent of accountability - Ancient Order of Foresters in Victoria Friendly Society Ltd v Lifeplan Australia Friendly Society Peter Devonshire, United Kingdom - Northern Ireland - discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and/or on grounds of religious belief or political opinion - jurisdiction - European convention on Human Rights Lee v Ashers Banking Co Ltd Ruth C A Higgins / Interest rates in dispute resolution : comparing simple statutory interest against compound indices Ashton East / An asset shared can be a problem doubled : assignment of causes of action by a liquidator Robert Harper / The difference between ss 84 and 85 of the Uniform Evidence Acts Greg Taylor
Taxation in Australia, Volume 53(7), February 2019 - in this issue : The 45-day-rule - where are you? Robert Deutsch / December - what happened in tax? TaxCounsel Pty Ltd / GST : contractual issues again! TaxCounsel Pty Ltd / Who has a liability to pay GST? Guy Brandon / Member profile : Sean van der Linden, EY / The earnout workout Enzo Coia / Employees of the gig and sharing economy Bill Mavropoulos / Taxing private trusts - a moving target Andrew White, Cameron Blackwood and Graeme Cooper / Discretionary trusts and landholder duty : part 1 Denise Tan / Who can provide taxation advice? Daniel Butler / Pedley and the director penalty notice Michael Norbury / Placer Dome : not just a duty case Stuart Landsberg, Costa Koutsis, Rachel Cullen and Matthew Plint / Trustee's minute of meeting evidence bad faith Katerina Peiros and Christine Smyth