New books
Fri Mar 01 2019Access regulation in Australia / Geoff Petersen, Morelle Bull and Catherine Dermody
Freedom of religion under bills of rights / Paul Babie and Neville Rochow (eds)
Interpretation acts : origins and meaning / Chad Jacobi
Landmark cases in medical law / Jonathan Herring and Jesse Wall (eds)
Landmark cases in public international law / Eirik Bjorge and Cameron Miles (eds) Landmark cases in revenue law / John Snape and Dominic de Cogan (eds) The law of compulsory purchase and compensation / Third edition by Guy Roots, Richard Honey, Robert Fookes and James Pereira
The law of politics : elections, parties and money in Australia (2nd ed) / Graeme Orr
Trusts law in Australia (5th ed) / Denis Ong
Victorian criminal procedure : state and federal law (15th ed) / Richard G Fox and Nadia M Deltondo