Update re Lexis Red improvements
Mon Mar 25 2019You can now borrow loose-leaf titles from within the Lexis Red app instead of going into the Lexis Red Digital Lending Library. Just make sure that you have updated the app so that you have the most up-to-date version.
The to get to the borrowing page in Lexis Red library from within the app :
iPad : in your settings – the cog wheel
Android tablet : in your settings – the three little dots
Windows machine : the stack of books icon on the left hand side of the viewing pane (the bottom icon)
Mac machine : if you hover over the top of your screen, a drop down bar will appear, select Lexis Red and then the digital library tool there
If you haven't got Lexis Red but would like it please email lexisred@nswbar.asn.au and let us know your email and NSWBA membership number.