Interesting articles and podcasts

100 years of women in the law : from Bertha Cave to Brenda Hale presented by Lady Hale, President of the Supreme Court at King's College London
High Court decides Prime Trust directors breached their duties by Cameron Jorss of HWL Ebsworth - considers Australian Securities and Investments Commissions v Lewski [2018] HCA 63
Law Report (ABC) for 27 March presented by Damien Carrick - Mandatory drug rehab for children
Proposed changes to information regulations for online platforms and increased funding for privacy regulator by Georgia Milne and Joshua Clarke of Holding Redlich - examines proposed changes to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
Segmenting the decision-making process and not weighing all of the evidence before reaching a conclusion is not the right approach by Andrew Gorman of McCabe Curwood - considers Bezer v Bassan [2019] NSWCA 50