Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Blockchain and company law : an EU perspective presented by Dr Zofia Bednarz at University of Sydney Law School - examines blockchain
Businesses must be careful when advertising "was/now" prices or pay the price by Teresa Torcasio of HWL Ebsworth - the ACCC has issued infringement noticed for "was/now" advertising
Climate change - who should we sue? panel discussion at University of Oxford with Peter Millican, Fredi Otto, Liz Fisher and Myles Allen - considers climate change litigation
Court of Appeal bowls over Strike's argument by Robert Lyons of Holding Redlich - considers Strike Australia Pty Ltd v Data Base Corporate Pty Ltd [2019] NSWCA 205
Going up? – Central Sydney Planning Strategy receives in-principle support from the NSW Government by Paul Vergotis of McCabe Curwood - examines the Central Sydney Planning Strategy
Minimum age of criminal responsibility by Arthur Moses SC, President, Law Council of Australia at the Human Rights Commission Forum in Canberra, 10 December 2019
The new horizons of directors' liability by Adrian Perkins, Andrew Gray and Mark Beaufoy of King and Wood Mallesons - examines directors' liability
Psychological injuries in the workplace by Scarlet Reid, Nathan Roberts and Lucy Carroll of McCullough Robertson - examines psychological injuries in the workplace
When performance is personal – the hazards of subcontracting without consent by Leighton O'Brien, Luisa Uriarte and Emily I'Ons of Allens Linklaters - considers Advanced National Services Pty Ltd v Daintree Contractors Pty Ltd [2019] NSWCA 270