New journals
Fri Jan 24 2020Alternative law journal, Volume 44(4), 2019 - in this issue : Some reflections on 45 years Peter Cashman / Rudy Frugtniet v ASIC : things to consider if Victoria introduced a spent convictions regime (with 'A message to you, Rudy') Suzanne O'Toole and Patrick Keyzer / Citation as a measure of 'impact' : female legal academics at a disadvantage? Katy Barnett / Making the law work for women : standard-setting through a new Gender Legislative Index Ramona Vijeyarasa / The discomfort of Thorne v Kennedy : law, love and money Renata Grossi / Dworkin's dream : towards a singularity of law Daniel Goldsworthy / Digital justice in Australian visa application processes? Jessica McLean and Rohan Mackenzie / Sex offenders no more : historical homosexual offences expungement legislation in Australia Allen George / Australian Secret Intelligence Service's new powers : a step too far towards extraterritorial killings? Jamie Fellows and Mark D Chong / Mental health first aid for firearm owners : addressing the elephant in the room Samuel H G Diprose Adams / The National Domestic and Family Violence Bench Book 2019 Heather Douglas and Kate Chapple / Legal studies : Law, love, money... and prenups / 'Sit down Girlie' : Girlie checks facts
Australian law journal, Volume 93(12), December 2019 - in this issue : Current issues Justice Francois Kunc (ed) An end-of-year innovation Francois Kunc, A new link across the Tasman The Right Honourable Dame Helen Winkelmann GNZM, The curated page Alexie Glass-Kantor / Letter to the editor The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG / Constitutional law Anne Twomey (ed) Dicey on Brexit and the conservative nature of referendums Anne Twomey / Statutory interpretation The Hon John Basten (ed) Statute and the common law John Basten / New Zealand Justice Matthew Palmer Recent bill of rights cases in New Zealand : from Toupee to tooth decay Hon Justice Geoffrey Venning / Around the nation : Northern Territory Hon Dean Mildren AM RFD AC Compulsory retirement ages for judges increased to 72 Dean Mildren / Personalia Emily Vale The Hon John Dowsett AM QC Justice Andrew Greenwood, Commonwealth - Justice Wendy Abraham, Justice Stewart Anderson, Justice John Snaden, Western Australia - Justice Jennifer Hill Emily Vale / Recent cases Ruth C A Higgins SC / Penalty privilege in non-curial proceedings : the decision in Frugtniet Simon Frauenfelder / collective best interests in strata collective sales Edward S W Ti
Cambridge law journal, Volume 78(3), November 2019 - in this issue : In defence of unjust enrichment Andrew Burrows / The negligence liability of public authorities for omissions Tom Cornford / The rule of good law Michael Foran / International-Criminal-Court exceptionalism regarding personal immunities Sarah Nouwen / Indications of inconsistency Nicholas Petrie / A historical examination of vicarious liability Warren Swain
Commonwealth law bulletin, Voulume 44(4), December 2018 - in this issue : Spent convictions in Hong Kong Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi / The implementation of treaties related to labour and labour relations in Nigerian law : a critical appraisal E Emudainohwo / The role of whistle blowing for public interest and the protection of the whistle blower in Nigeria Anthonia Omosefe Ugowe and Akintunde Adebayo / Sedition : a slippery slope argument devised to protect the state's magnates G Lilienthal and Nehaluddin Ahmad / Regulating smart home technology devices under Malaysian legal framework Noor Ashkin Basarudin, Asmah Laili Yeon and Zuryati Mohamed Yusoff / The applicability of riparian rights doctrine in Botswana : the judicial refusal to depart from the common law principles? Goemeone E J Mogomotsi and Patricia K Mogomotsi / Neglect of mining areas in Ghana : the case for equitable distribution of resource revenue Chris Adomako-Kwakye / Decolonising criminal law : a critical appraisal Shaila Alam Asha / The inefficacy of private enforcement of directors' duties Oludara Akanmidu / Legal implications of rising sea levels Matthew Moorhead / Law reform in small states Commonwealth Secretariat
Criminal law review, Issue 12, 2019 - in this issue : Manifestos for criminal justice Nicola Padfield / 100 years of women in the legal profession - some personal reflections from three perspectives Amanda Pinto QC, Kerry Hudson and Mrs Justice McGowan / "Paedophile hunters" : how should the law respond? Alisdair A Gillespie / commencing summary proceedings - the written charge and requisition procedure James Boyd / The interests of justice? When should the court issue a witness summons? Jonathan Higgs QC / Cases and comments : Alternative verdict - R v M, Assault - R v Melin (Ozan), Costs - Soni (Appeal against a Wasted Costs Order), Re, Gross negligence manslaughter - R v Kuddus (Mohammed Abdul), Joint enterprise - R v Harper (Lyndsey Lee), Jury - R v Woodward (Connor), Procedure - R v Burrows (Paul Alexander), Road traffic - DPP v Barreto, Sentencing - R v Evans; Jackson; Johnstone, R v Chall (Joginder), R v Ball (Ryan Joshua), Trial - R v Duarte (Kevin)
Law quarterly review, Volume 136, January 2020 - in this issue : Financially distressed companies, preferential payments and the directors' duty to take account of creditors' interests Andrew Keay / Agency and rectification Paul S Davies / Justice and implacable hostility to contact : parental beliefs, factual foundation and justification Stephen Gilmore / A wrong turn? Reconsidering the unified approach to unjust enrichment claims Pablo Letelier / Discoverability principles and the law's mistakes Samuel Beswick
Psychiatry, psychology and law, Volume 26(5), October 2019 - in this issue : A life's work in the Children's Court Clinic : the historical development of the clinic in the forensic field and the politics impacting on the Court Clinic and now on the law Patrica Brown / Australian stakeholders' views on improving investigative interviews with adult sexual assault complaints Mohammed M Ali, Nina J Westera, Rachel Zajac and Martine Powell / Evolution of recidivism risk using the YLS/CMI in Spanish serious reoffenders Natalia Palanques, Karen Cuervo and Lidon Villanueva / Science or pseudoscience? A distinction that matters for police offenders, lawyers and judges Louise Marie Jupe and Vincent Denault / Consensual sexual relationships between health practitioners and their patients : an analysis of disciplinary cases from New Zealand Lois J Surgenor, Kate Diesfeld and Marta Rychert / Evaluating the legal assumptions of Victoria's Sex Offender Registration Act 2004 from a psychological perspective Melanie L Simmons / An experiment to assess emotional and physiological arousal and personality correlates while imagining deceit Candice McBain and Grant J Devilly