Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
The competent professional practice 'defence' and valuers by Richard Cheney SC of Greenway Chambers - considers section 5O of the Civil Liability Act 2002, and the standard of care for professionals in relation to valuers
Further regulation will harm Australian broadcast news by Ian Robertson AO of Holding Redlich - examines an announcement by the Australian Communications and Media Authority that it is inquiring into impartiality and commercial influence in Australian commercial free and pay broadcast news and current affairs
How does FIRB decide if foreign investments are in the national interest? - Deborah Johns of Gilbert+Tobin interviewed on Nightlife with Philip Clark, on ABC Radio
Law Pod UK EP 103 : Secular law intervenes in religious marital deadlock - Anthony Metzer QC discusses a New UK law on oppressive behaviour in a relationship with Rosalind English
Law Report (ABC) for 25 February presented by Damien Carrick - Legal diversity in Malaysia
Wage wars – underpayment may become a crime by Mick Moy, Cameron Dean, Tim Longwill, Scarlet Reid, Nicola McMahon and Jessica Rose of McCullough Robertson - examines 'wage theft'