Latest Journals

Proctor 2017 Vol 37(3) In this issue: How binding are standard terms? / Toward better justice for children / Family Court recognises parents under US surrogacy order / Reflections in a legal mirror
Law Institute Journal 2017 Vol 91(4) In this issue: Lawyers going bush / Trouble in youth detention centres / Restorative justice in the Children's Court
Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law 2017 Vol 25(1) In this issue: Triple A rated? regulating online information disclosures / Is there a gap in the unfair contract term provisions between a "consumer contract" and a "small business contract"? / The Cartelist's dilemma: leniency policies and game theory
Public Law (April) 2017 In this Issue: Judicial Retirement ages in the UK: Legitimate aims and proportionate means? / Reconsidering mandatory reconsideration / The outer limits of English Judicial review / Unashamed liberalism: Liberal, Illiberal and Anti-liberal minorities