Latest Journals

Australian Law Journal 2017 Vol 91(3) In this issue: Not worth the paper they're written on? Executing documents (including deeds) under electronic documentation platforms: Part B / Burqas and Niqabs in the Courtroom: Finding practical solutions
Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 2017 Vol 24 (2) In this issue: Determination of competency to stand trial (fitness to plead): an exploratory study in Hong Kong / Legal representatives opinions regarding psychologists engaging in expert witness services in Australian courts and tribunals / Risk factors and youth recidivism prediction in general and property offenders
Bar News 2017 Autumn In this Issue: Wellbeing at the NSW Bar / President trump's executive action / Case management reforms in the Federal Court
Law Society Journal 2017 Vol 33 (May) In this issue: The great millennial debate: Gen Y in the workplace / Driver-less cars: can the law keep up with rapid technological advancements? / Why good food is brain food: how diet drives mental health / Children and the Family Court: Is it time for dramatic reform? / A history of failed referendums: why constitutional change is at hand