Latest Journals

Criminal Law News Vol 24(4) - In this issue: Enquiring whether an erroneous reference to a standard non-parole period had an effect on sentence pronounced / Admission of fresh evidence on appeal demonstrating exceptional hardship to third parties / Whether a refusal to allow a Basha inquiry is an interlocutory judgment or order for the purposes of an appeal under s 5F(3) of the Criminal Appeal Act 1912 / Admissibility of expert evidence as to voice identification / Non publication and suppression orders in relation to an entire criminal trial
Law Quarterly Review Vol 133 (April) - In this issue: Relieving the Trustee-Solicitor: a modern perspective on Section 61 of the Trustee Act 1925 / "Sales" on retention of title terms: Is the English law analysis broken? / Private copying and harm to others - compensation versus remuneration / piercing the corporate veil: where is the reverse gear?
Cambridge Law Journal Vol 76(1) - In this Issue: Public Law Adjudication in Common Law Systems: Process and Substance / Defences in Unjust Enrichment / Ordinary Meaning: A Theory of the Most Fundamental Principle of Legal Interpretation / Reason of State: Law, Prerogative and Empire