Latest Journals

Australian Law Journal Vol91/5 2017 - Special issue: Indigenous Australians and the Law: Indigenous Constitution Recognition: Paths to failure and possible paths to success by Shireen Morris and Noel Pearson / Testamentary freedom and customary law" the impact of succession law on the inheritance needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in Australia by Prue Vines / Opportunity if there for the taking: legal and cultural principles to re-start discussion on Aboriginal Heritage Reform in WA by Lauren Butterly, Ambelin Kwaymullina and Blaze Kwaymullina / Two New township leases on Aboriginal land in the NT by Leon Terril / Ensuring ethical collaborations in indigenous art and records management by Terri Janke / Thinking outside the constitution on indigenous constitutional recognition: entrenching the Racial Discrimination Act by Dylan Line / What does national Equality Law have to do with closing the gap? by Laura Beacroft
Law Society Journal Iss34 2017 - In this issue: The burdon of unconscious bias: are lawyers and the legal profession programmed to exercise prejudice? / Opportunity knocks for innovation: insights into Australia's start-ups / Can you repeat the question? how hearing loss effects the legal profession / The nuts and bolts of the new NSW CTP scheme