News etc

Report Calls for Government to Defend Democracy A new Human Rights Law Centre report, backed by 15 non-government organisations, has highlighted an “urgent need” to safeguard independent civil society voices and put a stop to a trend that “threatens to silence a sector that has much to contribute”.
NSW Attorney-General and George Brandis split on push to increase politicians' parole powers New South Wales Attorney-General Mark Speakman says judges, not politicians, should decide when someone is freed from jail. Federal Attorney-General George Brandis has pushed for state and territory attorneys-general to decide on parole for criminals with terrorism links.
NSW proposes big justice reforms to target risk of reoffending Over $200 million will be invested in recruiting extra personnel for correctional facilities plus new measures to improve community safety as part of a major overhaul of the NSW criminal justice system.
Overheard on a train: How I could have ransomed a law firm (but didn’t) One day in February, Graham Murphy found himself on a train next to two solicitors. As they opened their laptops and began to talk about the details of a £100m transaction, he pricked up his ears and began to think about what a fraudster or cybercriminal might make of all this...