Latest Journals

Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law 2017 Vol 25(2) In this issue: Providing Misleading or Deceptive Conduct: Challenges posed by the internet - Adrian Coorey / Influencers, Instagurus and Enablers: Using accessorial liability to establish a norm of behaviour in relation to disguised viral marketing - Lynden Griggs and Aviva Freilich / Extracting Volume from Big Data: Taking Big Data processing and analysis into account - Suiyi Zhang
Torts Law Journal 2017 Vol 22(2) In this issue: In mourning of bereavement damages — Iain Field / Defamation: Media regulator? — Tyler Fox / Breaking new ground? Nuisance, negligence and pure economic loss in Marsh v Baxter — Anna Bunn and Michael Douglas / Debunking a myth: A rejection of the ‘assumption of responsibility’ test for duty of care — David Tan