Latest Journals

Australian Bar Review Vol 44 No 1 - In this issue: Insolvent trusts: implications of Buckle and CPT Custodian - RW White / Some aspects of civil liability arising from breach of duty by a superannuation trustee - JC Campbell / The role of comity in applications for anti-suit injunctions - Michael Buckingham / Interpretation in the french high court - Chloe Burnett
Proctor Vol 37 No 5 - In this issue: The Pendulum swings in favour of DV victims / Turbines tussle may test free trade agreement / Ethereum: more than 'the new bitcoin'
Counsel June 2017 - In this issue: Speaking truth to power - Andrew Langdon QC / Parties set out theis justice stalls - Catherine Baksi / Reality behind the Rehtoric (westminster Watch) - Mark Hatcher / Free speech and e-media Richard Speearman QC
Alternative Law Journal Vol 42 No 1 - In this issue: Equality, Proportionality and dignity: the guiding principles for a just legal system - Justice Virginia Bell AC / The judicial evolution (or counter-revolution) of fundamental rights protection in Australia - Dan Meagher / Animal Welfare and the economy of kindness - Jonathan Crowe / Complicity, crime and conjoined twine - Colleen Davis / Tortured genius: the legality of injurious performance art - Theodore Bennett / Community housing emerges from the shadowlands: property rights and the implications of a national regulatory framework under the Community Housing National Law - Michael R Nancarrow / Business and Human Rights: the challenge of putting principles into practice and regulating global supply chains - Justine Nolan