Everything You Should Know About The Government’s New Encryption Laws In a press conference last week Malcolm Turnbull announced the Government’s intention to introduce new encryption laws that would compel tech companies to provide Australian security agencies with access to encrypted messages. Here’s what you need to know at the moment
Fridge size, goat slaughter, drunk steam engine driving: The laws you never knew existedWhile the winds of legal change have swept through many a state parliament, some rusted on legislation stemming from ye olden days has managed to cling on for dear life. For example: In the somewhat draconian Inclosed Lands Protection Act (NSW), it remains an offence to leave another person’s gate open. “Any person who enters into or upon the inclosed lands of any other person, and wilfully or negligently leaves open or down any gate or slip-panel, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding 2 penalty units,” the act reads. That’s $200 in today’s money. Shut the gate!