Latest Journals

Australian Bar Review Vol 44 No 2 - In this issue - Family saved by Dower - Bill Windeyer / DIY - It's costly consequence for counsel - Dr R J Desiatnik / Should Supreme Courts bind District Courts - Oliver Jones / Common practice, breach of duty and jury trials: the history of Mercer v Commissioner for Road Transport and Tramways (1936) - Mark Lunney / A new approach to service outside the jurisdiction and outside Australia under the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules - Michael Douglas and Vivienne Bath / Three people in the marriage? Testing the limits of part VIIIAA of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) - James McComish / The exercise of judicial power by State parliaments - Gerard Carney / Causation and fiduciary misconduct in Hong Kong and beyond - Daniel Farinha
Modern Law Review Vol 80 no 4 - In this issue - What sort of things are public morals; a liberal cosmopolitan approach to Article XX GATT / Debt restructuring and notions of fairness / Why judicial control of price terms in consumer contracts might not always be the right answer - Insights from behavioural law and economics / The Housing and Planning Act 2016: Rewarding the aspiration of homeownership?