Latest Law Reports

- Australian Law Reports Vol 345 Part 1 - Cases reported in this part -
- Australian Energy Regulator v Australian Competition Tribunal
Australian Corporations and Securities Reports Vol 120 Part 3- Cases reported in this part -
- Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Avestra Asset Management Ltd (ACN 119
- 227 440) (in liq) (FCA — Beach J)
- K J Renfrey Nominees Pty Ltd (as trustee for the Renfrey Family Trust) v Onesteel Manufacturing Pty Ltd (subject to deed of company arrangement) (FCA — Davies J)
- Kaizen Global Investments Ltd v Australia New Agribusiness & Chemical Group Ltd (ACN 142 976 065) (in liq) (FCA — Moshinsky J)
- Longley (as liquidators of Linc Energy Ltd (ACN 076 157 045) (in liq)) v Chief Executive,
- Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (QSC — Jackson J)
- Northern Managed Finance Pty Ltd v 4 In 1Wyoming Pty Ltd (ACN 145 601 618) (and other named
- First Defendants in Schedule A to the Originating Process) (NSWSC — Gleeson JA)
- Oreb v Australian Securities and Investments Commission (No 2) (FCAFC — Full Court)