Dr David Jones' great contribution to the State Library of NSW, to the library & information profession & libraries in general during his career has been recognised with the HCL Anderson Award. Dr Jones is the father of 4 Selborne's Oliver Jones, Barrister. A great example of a relationship of symbiotic mutualism; all good barristers need great librarians in their life!
What NASA’s simulated missions tell us about the need for Martian law Six people recently returned from an eight-month long isolation experiment to test human endurance for long-term space missions. Their “journey to Mars” involved being isolated below the summit of the world’s largest active volcano in Hawaii (Mauna Loa), and was designed to better understand the psychological impacts of manned missions. It seems humans are on the inevitable trajectory to colonise Mars. It is therefore becoming important to ask what laws will govern humans on Mars as it is to ask whether we could survive on the planet’s surface.