Recent Judgments from the Federal Court of Australia - Full Court
HFM045 v The Republic of Nauru [2017] HCA 50 (15 November 2017) (Bell, Keane and Nettle JJ) Migration – Refugees – Appeal from Supreme Court of Nauru – Procedural fairness.
Re Canavan; Re Ludlam; Re Waters; Re Roberts [No 2]; Re Joyce; Re Nash; Re Xenophon [2017] HCA 45 (27 October 2017) (Kiefel CJ, Bell, Gageler, Keane, Nettle, Gordon and Edelman JJ) Constitutional law (Cth) – Parliamentary elections – Where referred persons elected to Commonwealth Parliament – Proper construction of s 44(i) of Constitution
Brown v Tasmania [2017] HCA 43 (18 October 2017) (Kiefel CJ,Bell, Gageler, Keane, Nettle, Gordon and Edelman JJ) Constitutional law (Cth) – Implied freedom of political communication – Workplaces (Protection from Protesters) Act 2014 (Tas) – Where Act empowers police officers to direct protesters to leave and stay away from business premises and business access areas under pain of arrest and criminal penalties – Where business premises include forestry land – Where Act allows police officers to give such directions if they reasonably believe protester is preventing, hindering or obstructing business activity, has done so, or is about to do so.