- It’s time to stop trusting Google search already Google has recently come under fire for bad search results, fake news and interesting algorithms. Remember, "Google search is a tool, not an expert"
Some great alternatives to Google include:
- Duck Duck Go a popular rival to Google which will give good, relevant results. All searches are private and unfiltered.
- Dogpile a meta search engine; it runs searches over a number of different search engines (including Google) and gives you all the results at once.
- Yahoo is a search engine and also provides its traditional directory of sites, compiled by humans.
- Yippy a Deep Web engine that searches other search engines for you. Unlike the regular Web, which is indexed by robot spider programs, Deep Web pages are usually harder to locate by conventional search.
- Bing is Microsoft's Search Engine, featuring good travel information, a convenient preview pane and a sophisticated visual/image search.
- Webopedia one of the most useful websites on the web. Webopedia is an encyclopedic resource dedicated to searching technology terminology and computer definitions.
- Ecosia is a web search engine based in Berlin, which donates 80% of its surplus income to nonprofit conservationist organisations, with a focus on tree planting.