New books

Annotated Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW) (3rd ed) / Dominic Villa
Annotated criminal legislation New South Wales 2017-2018 / Roderick N. Howie and Peter A. Johnson
Australian Fair Work Act 2009 with regulations and rules (9th ed)
Bennion on statutory interpretation (7th ed) / Diggory Bailey and Luke Norbury
Bowstead and Reynolds on agency (21st ed) / Peter Watts and F. M. B. Reynolds
Clerk and Lindsell on torts (22nd ed) / Michael A. Jones and Anthony M. Dugdale (eds)
Commercial tenancy law (4th ed) / Clyde Croft, Robert Hay and Luke Virgona
Drafting trusts and will trusts in Australia (2nd ed) / James Kessler and Michael Flynn
The evolving role of trust in superannuation / M. Scott Donald and Lisa Butler Beatty (eds)
Guide to judicial conduct / Council of Chief Justices of Australia
Key issues in public law / Neil Williams (ed)
Law of associations / G. E. Dal Pont
McGregor on damages (20th ed) / Harvey McGregor. 20th edition by James Edelman
Phipson on evidence (19th ed) / Hodge M. Malek (ed)
Procedure and evidence in international arbitration / Jeffrey Waincymer
Resolving civil disputes / Michael Legg (ed)
Sports law (3rd ed) / David Thorpe, Antonio Buti, Chris Davies and Paul Jonson
Tensions and traumas in health law / Ian Freckelton and Kerry Petersen
Unconscionable conduct - the laws of Australia (3rd ed) / Paul Vout (ed)