Latest journals

Adelaide law review Vol 38(1) 2017 – In this issue : A colonial history of the River Murray dispute Adam Webster / The constitutional conventions and constitutional change : making sense of multiple intentions Harry Hobbs and Andrew Trotter / Exemplary damages : retribution and condemnation – the purpose controlling the scope of the exemplary damages award Alison Doecke / An Australia-Indonesian arrangement on refugees : exploring the structural, legal and diplomatic dimensions Samuel Tyrer / Sexual orientation and ‘gay wedding cake’ cases under Australian anti-discrimination legislation : a fuller approach to religious exemptions Liam Elphick / The socio-political and legal history of the tax deduction for donations to charities in Australia and how the ‘public benevolent institution’ developed Fiona Martin / An effective priority for the Commissioner of Taxation in liquidation : Bell Group NV (in liq) v Western Australia (2016) 331 ALR 408 Daniel Marateo / Paciocco v Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd (2016) 90 ALJR 835 Rozelle Macalincag / 2016 Senate electoral reforms in the High Court and beyond Shauna Roeger
Australian bar review Vol 44(3), December 2017 – In this issue : An insight into appellate justice in New South Wales Hon Justice MJ Beazley AO / ‘Widgets’ or ‘Wodgets’? A heterodox reappraisal of the fiduciary who ‘steals a business’ : ‘account’, ‘allowances’, ‘consent’ and other perplexing issues Lee Aitken / Anticipatory breach and estoppel — does estoppel provide a unified doctrine for relief in all cases of anticipatory breach? Cameron Meiring and Kenneth Yin / Assessing testamentary capacity from the medical perspective Jane Lonie and Kelly Purser / Inconsistencies in sentencing of theft offenders in Victoria : implications for the ‘instinctive synthesis’ Clare Farmer, Ian Parsons and Mirko Bagaric / A consideration of current issues in private international law Michael Douglas
Australian law journal Vol 91(12), December 2017 - In this issue : Admiralty Act 1988 (Cth) s 6(b) Dr Damien J. Cremean / Paciocco in the High Court : penalties and late payment fees J. G. H. Stumbles / A survey of the High Court of Australia on construction law 1965-2016 Professor John Sharkey
Conveyancer and property lawyer Vol 81(6), 2017 – In this issue : The leasehold estate: useful tool or shackle? Martin Dixon / Taxing grounds Paul Clark / Inheritance and the posthumously conceived child Neil Maddox / More than just a walk in the park : a new view on recreational easements Judith Bray / Burdens, presumptions and confusion in the law on want of knowledge and approval Brian Sloan / Estoppel, registration, and the perils of obiter Juanita Roche / Title to a highway : obligations, function and constitutionalism in the construction of property rights Robin Hickey / Article 1 of the First Protocol and a tenants right to compensation Douglas Maxwell
Criminal law review Issue 1 2018 – In this issue : Speaking up for injustice : reconsidering the provision of special measures through the lens of equality Samantha Fairclough / Admissibility of forensic voice comparison testimony in England and Wales Geoffrey Stewart Morrison / Cross-examining young alleged complainers in Scottish criminal courts Samantha J. Andrews and Michael E. Lamb
Federal law review Vol 45(4) – In this issue : Between form and substance : minimising judicial scrutiny of executive action Mark Aronson / Interrogating ‘absolute discretion’ : are NZ’s parliament and courts compromising rule of law? Hanna Wilberg / The entrenched minimum provision of judicial review and the limits of ‘law’ Lisa Burton Crawford / Re-evaluating the doctrine of deference in administrative law Janina Boughey / Judicial review and merits review : are the boundaries being eroded? Robin Creyke / The unfolding purpose of fairness Matthew Groves / Judicial review of legislators’ motives Nathan Van Wees / Justiciability, access to justice and the development of constitutional law in Canada Gerard J. Kennedy and Lorne Sossin
Law quarterly review Vol 134, January 2018 – In this issue : Legal obligations, legal revolutions Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG / Intentional harm, accessories and conspiracies Professor Paul S. Davies and Rt. Hon. Sir Philip Sales / Magna Carta, Scotland and Scots law Professor Hector L. MacQueen / Breach of contract : a plea for clarity and discipline Professor Neil Andrews / Misuse of rectification in the law of trusts Simon Douglas
Law society journal Issue 41, February 2018 - In this issue : Lessons on vicarious trauma and wellbeing from a Royal Commission Anna Verney / Crushing waves Lillian Leigh / Animal instincts Claire Chaffey and Lynn Elsey / The human cost of corporate life Dominic Rolfe / The wellbeing road test Kate Allman / A day in the life of Christine Morgan, CEO Butterfly Foundation Jane Southward / A performer with balance Tia Singh / Secrets to living a long and healthy life Joanna McMillan / Are you burning out? Thea O'Connor
Psychiatry, psychology and the law Vol 24(6), December 2017 - In this issue : Children's responsibility for criminal conduct : the principle of doli incapax under contemporary Australian law Ian Freckelton / Duty to avoid injury to oneself and thereby psychiatric injury to others Ian Freckelton / Psychology and legal aspects of dangerous sex offenders : a review of the literature M. T. Rowlands, G. Palk and R. McD. Young / Putting fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) on the map in New Zealand : a review of health, social, political, justice and cultural developments Anita Gibbs and Kesia Sherwood / The 'worst of the worst' : detectives' beliefs about dangerous violent offender and how to deal with them Mark Rhys Kebbell and Nina Westera / Attributions of blame in acquaintance rape scenarios : the role of blame scale presentation order Annaliese Murdoch and Karen Gonsalkorale / Antecedents, behaviours, and court case characteristics and their effects on case outcomes in litigation for persons with schizophrenia Melissa La Van, Helen La Van and William M. Martin / Mental health and criminal charges : variation in diversion pathways in Australia Fiona Davidson, Edward Heffernan, David Greenberg, Rhondda Waterworth and Philip Burgess / Prison industry and desistance from crime : an Australian perspective Andrew Day, Jo Wodak, Joe Graffam, Eileen Baldry and Linda Davey / Self-reported impulsivity and its relation to executive functions in interned youth Olov Nordvall, Anna Stigsdotter Neely and Bert Jonsson / Examining the effects of violence and personality on eyewitness memory Laura Pajon and Dave Walsh / Responsive versus treatment-resistant perpetrators in batterer intervention programs : personal characteristics and stages of change Pablo Carbajosa, Alba Catala-Minana, Marisol Lila, Enrique Gracia and Santiago Boira / Evaluation of a database for tracking cases of child sexual abuse Cate Bailey, Martine Powell and Gennady N. Baksheev
Public law Issue 1, January 2018 – In this issue : Ultra vires revisited Thomas Adams / 30 years of hurt : the evolution of civil preventive orders, hybrid law, and the emergence of the super-football banning order Mark James and Geoff Pearson / The strange reconstitution of Wales Richard Rawlings / Counter-terrorist law in British universities : a review of the “prevent” debate Steven Greer and Lindsey Bell / Judicial input into parliamentary legislation Robert Hazell and Juliet Wells
University of Tasmania law review Vol 36(2), 2017 – In this issue : Employer deductions from accounts payable under the Fair Work act 2009 (Cth) : restrictions on being both payer and payee Nadia Stojanova / The 2016 amendments to Singapore’s Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act – a missed opportunity Wee ling Loo and Ee Ing Ong / Judging a book by its cover: the challenges of prohibiting firearms by their appearance Samuel Diprose Adams / Maritime interception : a snapshot of Australian policy, law and practice, and the opportunity for change Susanna Dechent / Defamation defences and juries : Wilson v Bauer Media (No 6) [2017] VSC 356 Sophie Hey