New journals

Australian journal of competition and consumer law, Volume 25(4), December 2017 - in this issue : The intriguing concept of "give effect to" Ketki Kotwal / Most favoured nations : when a clause falls out of favour Caroline Oddie and Amanda Richman / Proving corporations are agents : problems and solutions David Godwin / Merger authorisations and the public benefit test : what on earth is a public benefit? Nicholas Allingham / Remedies and harm in the post-Harper environment Paul D Evans / Extra-territoriality and markets "in Australia" Julie Clarke / Unfair small business contracts legislation gets its day in court Frank Zumbo and Caroline Michel / Australia : a market no longer girt by sea? Air New Zealand Ltd v ACCC Thomas Smalley / The Air Cargo litigation - "a tyre is [not] a car" Hank Spier and Charles Sweeney / Amendments to South Korean competition law Sarah Andrews and Rosie Finlayson / There are two sides to every story - credit cards and antisteering restrictions Christopher Pleatsikas