New journals

Australian journal of competition and consumer law, Volume 61(1), March 2018 - in this issue : Online scams and spam - legal measures to stem the rising tide Adrian Coorey / The sound of one hand shaking itself : inchoate cartel conduct under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 Brendan Walker-Munro / Mobile infrastructure regulation in Australia : is light-touch regulation appropriate? Angela Flannery / Applying the new declaration criteria : how have the amendments to the declaration changed the landscape of regulated access in Australia? Jessica Kate Rusten / Do not mention the Olympics Bernard McCabe / Part XIB : the survivor Holly Raiche / Failure to properly consider a party's case : you can bet it will be appealed : ACCC v Australian Competition Tribunal Ketki Kotwal / An attempt to induce a cartel, or an example of a concerted practice? ACCC v Australian Egg Corp Ltd Matthew Barry / The limitations on compensation orders Damien O'Brien QC / The Australian Energy Regulator : a year in review Paula Conboy / Report from India Swati Sharma and Abhilasha Nautiyal / Report from Latin America Omar Guerrero Rodriguez and Martin Michaus-Fernandez