Interesting articles and podcasts

Bondage, enslavement, servitude : New South Wales follows suit and proposes modern slavery law by Natalie Caton, Rani John and Nicholas Turner of DLA Piper
Discrimination law update - in the era of #METOO by Kellie Edwards of Greenway Chambers
The Draft EU Withdrawal Agreement - line by line - an analysis of the text by Professor Catherine Barnard of the University of Cambridge
Is this Australia's biggest deadbeat dad? by Amelia Trotman of Armstrong Legal
Law Report (ABC) for 20 March presented by Erica Vowles, stories include Study finds defamation not just for the rich and famous and Modern warfare and challenges for IHL
TechTalks : Cyber security by Michael Williams of Gilbert + Tobin
Who is it that doesn’t like Mondays? by Rosalind English on the UK Human Rights Law Blog, considers Moylett v Geldoff and Anor (unreported), Chancery Division, Carr J, 14 March 2018