New journals

ARITA journal, Volume 30(1), 2018 - in this issue : 30 years of the journal Peter Gosnell / State of the profession survey John Winter / Elders : restructuring a corporate icon Peter Gosnell / NOCLAR : what it means for you Agnes King / Solvent and insolvent loan to own strategies Anthony Sommer / Combatting illegal phoenixing Helen Anderson / A case for insolvency law reform in Australia Neil Hannan / PPSA and extensions of time to register : what you need to know Leigh Adams / The latest from ARITA's specialist team Kim Arnold, Narelle Ferrier and Mark Wellard / Your technical insolvency questions answered Kim Arnold / Recent insolvency court decisions Mark Wellard
Australian law journal, Volume 92(1), January 2018 - in this issue : Intersection between informal wills and testamentary competence Darryl Browne / A tale of two cases : Wilkie v Commonwealth and Re Canavan Anne Twomey / Ex parte Candour, solicitors' liens and set-off Mark Leeming / Recent cases - Faimly law : financial agreements - Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) Pt VIIIA - pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements - whetehr agreements voidable for duress, undue influence, or unconscionable conduct - Thorne v Kennedy [2017] HCA 49 Ruth C A Higgins, United Kingdom : criminal law - dishonesty - Gambling Act 2005 (UK) s 42 - test in R v Ghosh [1982] QB 1053 - Ivey v Genting Casinos (UK) Ltd [2017] UKSC 67 John Eldridge, Practice : costs : non-party costs - plaintiff company insolvent - unable to meet order for costs - costs against applicant director - whether applicant "real party" to litigation - Gdanski v Palms Court Management Pty Ltd [2017] VSCA 348 Ruth C A Higgins / The Australian judicial system : causes for dissatisfaction K M Hayne / Barwick, bankruptcy and the human dimension Andrew Greenwood / Obituaries
Bond law review, Volume 29(2), December 2017 - in this issue : Trial by motive David Field / Collaborating with students to create law assessment : a case study Alex Deagon / Sexism and the bar and the equitable briefing policy : a well-meaning but misguided response to gendered briefing practices Ryan Chan / Mahoratarianism James Allen
University of New South Wales Law Journal, Vol 41(1), 2018 - in this issue : Using parliamentary materials in interpretation : insights from parliamentary process Jacinta Dharmananda / The role of committees in rights protection in federal and state parliaments in Australia Laura Grenfell and Sarah Moulds / Law and proverty : a paradox Ronald Sackville / The treatment of Australian children in detention : a human rights law analysis of media coverage in the wake of abuses at the Don Dale Detention Centre Kate Fitz-Gibbon / Victim impact statements and sentencing homicide offenders : a critical analysis of recent changes to the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 (NSW) Tracey Booth / Legal responses to non-consensual smartphone recordings in the context of domestic and family violence Heather Douglas and Mark Burdon / The legalities of revoking university degrees for misconduct : recommendations for Australian universities Pnina Levine and Michelle Evans / What do trial judges cite? Evidence from the New South Wales District Court Russell Smyth / Divided performance of patented methods in Australia : a call to codify procedure infringement Johnathon E Liddicoat