New journals

Law Society journal, Issue 43, April 2018 - in this issue : Law Council says state of justice is dire Kate Allman / Digital assets and law reform Mark Speakman / A plea for humanity Cindy Wockner / An age old issue Lynn Elsey / Meet Kirstin Ferguson the woman behind the #celebratingwomen campaign Kate Allman / How to fight a war on drugs Kate Allman / Conflict in the office? Is it a good thing Peter Agnew / A day in the life of John Cox Jane Southward / Sabring success Diane Nazaroff / BQ the forgotten intelligence? Thea O'Connor / Court of Appeal reins in generous family provision decision in 2017 Michelle Painter / The moral scope of legal personality : the case to recognise non-human animals Stephanie D'Amelio / Unfit for work? The Fair Work Commission will decide Jack De Flamingh and Erin Kiley / Electronic conveyancing - don't wait for mandating Greg Channell / Legal costs : grappling with complexities in the Legal Profession Uniform Law Michelle Castle, Andrew Bailey and Kerrie Rosati / Navigating the safe harbour for small-to-medium-sized enterprises Ben Sewell / Misrepresentation and ethics in mediation Campbell Bridge / Interpreters and lawyers : why we must work together for better outcomes Giao Quynh Tran / Issue waiver : when is privilege lost? Rosemary Workman