New journals

AIAL forum, Issue 91, March 2018 - in this issue : Recent development Katherine Cook / Administrative regulation-making : contrasting parliamentary and deliberative legitimacy Andrew Edgar / Disputing the resolution : why the Australian Complaints Authority will be subject to judicial review A J Orchard / Graham and the constitutionalisation of Australian administrative law Leighton McDonald / Plaintiff S195-2016 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Robert Orr / Feeling the heat : challenges for 21st Century tribunals Gary Humphries / Failure to give proper, genuine and realistic consideration to the merits of a case : a critique of Carrascalao Jason Donnelly / Seeing the forest for the trees : statutory interpretation and the new Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Australia National Standards Daniel Goldsworthy
Proctor, Volume 38(3), April 2018 - in this issue : Linc insolvency in environmental context Hamish Clift / The regional route to online law and justice : challenges and opportunities for rural lawyers Caroline Hart and Adrian Hallewell / Are clones people too? Technology raises unprecedented legal questions Josephine Bird / Protection of confidentiality in the state courts : orders to restrict access Kylie Downes and Philippa Ahern / Constructing a mobile home gift : assumptions are the termites of... instructions Christina Smyth / 'Undivided loyalty' - the perception and the reality Stafford Shepherd / Building rapport with First Nations clients David Wenitong / Guns and judges : Antonin Scalia and the right to bear arms David Bratchford / Court accepts after-hours application preceding husband's death Robert Glade-Wright / Abandonment clauses abandoned : FWC updates six modern awards Andrew Ross
Psychiatry, psychology and law, Volume 25(1), February 2018 - in this issue : The effects of empathy, emotional intelligence and psychopathy on interpersonal interactions Elise S Owens, Ferguson W H McPharlin, Nathan Brooks and Katarina Fritzon / Emotions, crime seriousness, and alibi believability Mark D Snow and Kelly L Warren / When hurt heroes do harm : collective guilt and leniency toward war-veteran defendants with PTSD Alexander C V Jay, Jessica M Salerno and Robert C Ross / Grandparent visitation rights in Spain : which psychosocial arguments are taken into account to grant or deny visits? Montserrat Celdran, Felicio Villar, Montse Anton and Esther Benito / Analysis for violent and non-violent versatility in self-reported juvenile delinquency Keren Cuervo, Lidon Villanueva, Michel Born and Claire Gavray / Help or hindrance? The support person in psychiatric medico-legal examination Lisa V Brown / Can lineup administrators blind to the suspect's identity influence witnesses' decisions? Nicole A McCallum and Neil Brewer / Comparing younger and older adult eyewitnesses : examining the simultaneous, elimination, and wildcard lineup procedures Emily Pica and Joanna Pozzulo / Involuntary hospitalisation in France : major evolution of legal aspects Cecile Michaud and Sebastien Prat / Narcissistic rage and the murder of Allison Baden-Clay Russ Scott and Ian Freckelton