New journals

Law Institute journal, Volume 92(4), April 2018 - in this issue : Guardians of the world of sport Carolyn Ford / Sports and the new child safety laws Simon Merritt / A knock to the head Annette Greenhow / A sporting chance : pitfalls for sports facilities Leonie Kelleher and Hubert Algie / Treatment and taxation of an athlete's image rights Frank Hinoporos and Raoul D'Cruz / The rise of esports Mark Lebbon / Rugby scrum James Paterson and Robert D McDonald / Sports : why are they not charitable? Jennifer Batrouney and Angela Lee / Independence rules Gino Dal Pont / Notice of action Russell Cocks / The rise of SRLs Tori Edwards / Prison to homelessness Divya Sharma / How to stop procrastinating Judith Bennett / Game changers to come Molina Asthana / No place for political attacks on judges Morry Bailes
Sydney law review, Volume 40(1), March 2018 - in this issue : The Noongar Settlement : Australia's first treaty Harry Hobbs and George Williams / Taking the human out of the regulation of road behaviour Chris Dent / Financial robots as instruments of fiduciary loyalty Simone Degeling and Jessica Hudson / "Restoring the rule of law" through commercial (dis)incentives : the Code for the Tendering and Performance of Building Work 2016 Anthony Forsyth / In whose interests? Fiduciary obligations of union officials in bargaining Jill Murray / Critical perspectives on the Uniform Evidence Law James D Metzger