Interesting articles and podcasts

Australian security of payment legislation - High Court guidance - podcast from Todd Spiller, Samuel Woff and Wayne Jocic of Corrs Chambers Westgarth - reviews two HCA decisions which provide clarity in relation to security of payment legislation
CLOUD Act bolsters US government powers to obtain data stored abroad by Ilana Hope Eisenstein, Jim Halpert and Lindsay R Barnes of DLA Piper - item on the Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data Act
David Copperfield forced to break a magician's golden rule : never reveal the secrets behind your tricks - Copperfield had to reveal the secret of a disappearing trick during a UK negligence lawsuit, the secret was underwhealming
Law Report (ABC) for 17 April, presented by Erica Vowles - Laws in space - examines national and international space laws
Liberal MP to introduce bill to ban live exports as industry agrees to more oversight - Sussan Ley MP has announced plans to introduce a private member’s bill to end exports of live sheep
Police body worn video cameras - holding offenders and police officers accountable to their actions by Martin Vazquez of Armstrong Legal - overview of body worn video cameras
A “Sandwich” short of a picnic by Antoine Pace and Adam Walker of Gadens - examines the decision in Earl of Sandwich FamilyCo AG v John Montagu Pty Ltd [2018] ATMO 37 where the Trade Marks Office decided to register the sandwich inventor’s name as a trade mark
Trial by judge alone may not be the answer to giving high-profile defendants a fair hearing by John Eldridge of University of Sydney - "the assumptions that underlie the widespread faith in trial by judge alone merit continued investigation"