Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
The 5 cases podcast presented by Caitlin Akthar of Forbes Chambers, Sophie Anderson of Commercial Bank Chambers and Paul Coady of Public Defenders Chambers - Episode 12 : Heywood v Local Court of New South Wales [2024] NSWCCA 1047, Behi v R [2024] NSWCCA 89, Keen v R [2024] NSWCCA 157, R v Martin [2024] NSWSC 968, Rabieh v R [2024] NSWCCA 154
Commonwealth military justice systems - an Australian perspective, Justice Logan, Commonwealth Magistrates' and Judges' Association Conference
Convergences and divergences in Australian and New Zealand law, Justice Black, Banking and Financial Services Law Association Conference
Countdown to the Administrative Review Tribunal - 3 weeks to go! by Rebekha Pattison, Emma Lawrence, Kendall Mutton and Jena Dobie of King and Wood Mallesons
A farewell to arms by the Australian senior judiciary?, Justice Logan, An after-dinner speech delivered at the New South Wales Tri-Service Legal Panel Dinner Law Society House
Judicial review in Papua New Guinea, Justice Logan, Commonwealth Lawyers’ Association/PNG Law Society/PNG Centre
Knowing assistance and knowing receipt : divergences between England and Australia, Justice White at University of Technology
Law Pod UK - Episode 205 : Of mice and murder in The Temple, David Hart KC talks to Sally Smith KC about her first novel
Law Report (ABC) for 24 September presented by Damien Carrick - What's behind Mexico's plan to elect judges?
The origins, evolution and merits of the civil penalty regimes enforced by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission by Ian Ramsay and Miranda Webster from University of Melbourne
Purpose in statutory interpretation, Lord Sales, Oxford University and University of Notre Dame Seminar on Public Law Theory
Socially disadvantaged accused : how (or should) courts take this into account?, Honourable Justice Macaulay delivered at Deakin University
Some issues in enforcement of directors' duties, Justice Black at Monash University
Succession and the conflict of laws, Chief Justice Bell, Succession Law Conference, Blue Mountains Law Society
When is an arbitrator's job done? The doctrine of 'Functus Officio' ties tribunal's hands in High Court case by Domenico Cucinotta and Yan Zhang of King & Wood Mallesons