The Australian Law Journal

Articles in the latest issue:
- Anti-Semitism, hate speech and Pt IIA of the Racial Discrimination Act Ronald Sackville AO QC
- Liquidator remuneration, creditor dividends and the public interest: recent NSW Supreme Court decisions and the continuing need for reform A Keith Thompson
- Should lower court judges bind magistrates and tribunals? Oliver Jones
High Court Reports:
- Deal v Father Pius Kodakkathanath
- Jakaj v Director of Public Prosecutions (SA)
- Maritime Union of Australia v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection
- Miller v The Queen
- Murphy v Electoral Commissioner
- NH v Director of Public Prosecutions (SA)
- Presley v Director of Public Prosecutions (SA)
- R v Baden-CLay
- Smith v The Queen
- Sio v The Queen
- Stakaj v Director of Public Prosecutions (SA)
- Zefi v Director of Public Prosecutions (SA)