New judgments

Director of Public Prosecutions Reference No 1 of 2019 [2021] HCA 26 - criminal law, recklessness
Heritage Travel and Tourism Ltd & Anor v Windhorst & Ors [2021] EWHC 2380 (Comm) - economic duress
Home Grown Brands Australia Pty Ltd v Sperling Enterprises Pty Ltd [2021] FCCA 1597 - courts can take judicial notice of the manner in which the Wayback Machine collects screenshots of webpages
Montgomery & Anor v My FootDr (Aust) Pty Ltd [2021] NSWDC 439 - "Counsel for the plaintiffs submitted that it was never intended that the parties could argue about the figure payable "till the cows come home". Unfortunately that is what has happened for the last four years. Two cows branded "Plaintiffs" and "Defendant" have now been herded into the District Court. Only one of those cows will be released to the grassy uplands and the other will be going to the abattoir."
National Tertiary Education Industry Union v University of Sydney [2021] FCAFC 159 - industrial law, right of intellectual freedom
Pead v Premium Pet Food Online Pty Ltd (Civil Claims) [2021] VCAT 771 - consumer law, "Pet dogs can be fussy eaters"