Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Australian Law Reform Commission's Review of judicial impartiality - data analysis - practitioners
Available scientific climate change evidence to provide strong basis for future litigation by Louise Camenzuli, Julia Green and Alice Johnson of Corrs Chambers Westgarth - considers Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action Incorporated v Environment Protection Authority [2021] NSWLEC 92
Changes to sexual harassment legislation with the passage of the Respect@Work Bill by Catherine Dunlop, Tamsin Webster and Brayden Moulday of Maddocks - considers the Sex Discrimination and Fair Work (Respect at Work) Amendment Bill 2021 (Cth)
Law Report (ABC) for 7 September presented by Damian Carrick - How does Australia's COVID vaccine injury scheme compare with compensation programs abroad?
Law Talking, Episode 8 from Frank Hicks, Richard Cheney and Adele Carr of Greenway Chambers - Four cases and front of house
Reviewing judicial power for jurisdictional error : some recent migration cases by Justice Colvin at the WA Chapter of the Australian Institute of Administrative Law
Tips and traps to accessing court documents as a non-party by Dilip Ramaswamy and Ian Napier of Clayton Utz - considers non-party access to documents
What is the extent of the duty of decision makers to address arguments made by a party to a medical dispute? The Supreme Court provides the answer in Stanizzo v AAI Limited t/as GIO by Andrew Gorman of McCabes - considers Stanizzo v AAI Limited trading as GIO [2021] NSWSC 1077