Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
The Commonwealth Ombudsman : still fit for purpose? by Anita Stuhmcke on Aus Pub Law - considers whether Australian administrative law is still fit for purpose
The Ginsburg tapes with Lauren Moxley Beatty - "a podcast about Ruth Bader Ginsburg's oral arguments in the Supreme Court—before she became #NotoriousRBG"
The High Court provides employers with welcome clarification in the casual employee debacle : the contract is king by Mick Moy, Nicola McMahon, Michael Tuohy and Peta Banbas of McCullough Robertson - considers WorkPac Pty Ltd v Rossato [2021] HCA 23
Law Report (ABC) for 21 September presented by Damian Carrick - Britain's offshore detention plans, and investigating human rights violations
Lessons from Canadian courts for all expert witnesses by Brad D Booth, Joel Watts and Mathieu Dufour in Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online, Vol 47(3) - considers expert witnesses
The potential of restorative justice in promoting environmental offenders' acceptance of responsibility by Hadeel Al-Alosi and Mark Hamilton in (2021) 44(2) UNSWLJ 487 - examines restorative justice
The reasonable response to do nothing : NSWCA posts a win to home owners by Peter Ford of McCabes - considers Prouten v Chapman [2021] NSWCA 207