Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Fri Oct 01 2021Before the High Court : a "rational and humane Criminal Code"? Bell v Tasmania and the reach of honest and reasonable mistake of fact by Andrew Dyer in Sydney Law Review, Volume 43(3) (advance) - considers Bell v Tasmania (High Court of Australia, Case No H2/2020)
Can data be traded like shares? from Gilbert + Tobin - considers data as a commodity
Constitutional characterisation : embedding value judgements about the relationship between the legislature and the judiciary by James Stellios in Melbourne University Law Review, Volume 45(1) (forthcoming) - "considers the process of characterising a Commonwealth law with respect to a federal head of power, organising the enquiry into three distinct steps of determining the essential character of a power, the definitional character of a power and the telescopic character of a power"
Doesn't anyone check citations? by Clayton E Cramer on SSRN - examines citations
Law Report (ABC) for 28 September presented by Damian Carrick - Regulating Covid-19 misinformation and social media influencers
The prior use defence and exhaustion doctrine in intellectual property law presented by Justice Rares at the launch of issue 44(2) of the University of New South Wales Law Journal on 24 September 2021
The Wigs Podcast from Stephen Lawrence (Black Chambers), Emmanuel Kerkyasharian (Forbes Chambers), Felicity Graham (Black Chambers) and Jim Minns - S3 E5 Voller : the High Court on liability for third party comments on social media