Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
Holyrood, Westminster and constitutional balance : two forthcoming judgments by Nicholas Kilford on Constitutional Law Matters - considers devolution
Inquire, debate and legislate – the bounds of parliamentary privilege by Guy Humble, Tim Case and Alan Wrigley of McCullough Robertson - considers parliamentary privilege
Judgment-writing : a personal perspective - Lord Burrows, Justice of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom at the Annual Conference of Judges of the Superior Courts in Ireland
Law Report (ABC) for 5 October presented by Damian Carrick - 'Squatters' rights', and UK health laws
Megan Davis : the road to the Uluru Statement from the Heart on Conversations with Richard Fidler - interview with Professor Megan Davis, "What people want is substantive reform… a constitutionally protected voice."
Original constitutional lessons : marriage, defence, juries, and aliens by James Edelman, Pre-edited version. Edited version to be published: Monash University Law Review (2021) volume 47 - considers constitutional law The rule of law and subordinate legislation from Statute Law Society and University College London