Temporary access to books on Lexis Red

Lexis have provided temporary access to some books on Lexis Red until the end of the year, see the list of titles below.
Remember that Lexis Red is full of useful loose-leafs too.
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Available titles
- Banking law in Australia (9th ed)
- Bradbrook and Neave's easements and restrictive covenants in Australia (3rd ed)
- Brooking on building contracts (6th ed)
- Commercial tenancy law (4th ed)
- Constitutional law in Australia (4th ed)
- Consumer protection law in Australia (3rd ed)
- The contract of employment (2nd ed)
- Control of government action : text, cases and commentary (5th ed)
- Covell and Lupton principles of remedies (7th ed)
- Crime and mental health law in NSW (3rd ed)
- Delegated legislation (5th ed)
- Duggan and Lanyon's consumer credit law (2nd ed)
- Environmental law in Australia (10th ed)
- Equity : doctrines and remedies (5th ed)
- Family provision in Australia (5th ed)
- Fisher and Lightwood's law of mortgage (3rd ed)
- Hutley's Australian wills precedents (9th ed)
- Jacobs' law of trusts (8th ed)
- Land acquisition (7th ed)
- Law of associations
- Law of charity (2nd ed)
- Law of confidentiality
- Law of costs (4th ed)
- Law of liability insurance (3rd ed)
- Law of limitation
- The law of misleading or deceptive conduct (5th ed)
- Law of succession (2nd ed)
- Lawyer discipline
- Legal professional privilege in Australia (3rd ed)
- Luntz' assessment of damages for personal injury and death (4th ed)
- Mortgagee's power of sale (4th ed)
- Nygh's conflict of laws in Australia (10th ed)
- Powers of attorney (3rd ed)
- Principles of international law (6th ed)
- Private international law in Australia (4th ed)
- The restraint of trade doctrine (4th ed)
- Security of payment in NSW, Victoria, ACT, Tasmania and SA (2nd ed)
- Statutory interpretation in Australia (9th ed)
- Unjust enrichment (2nd ed)