Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
2021 Hal Wootten Lecture to mark the 50th anniversary of the University of New South Wales' Law School - presented by Jennifer Robinson
ANZUS at 70 : from Cold War to a hot Earth by Dr Jill Beard on FlagPost
The Communist Party Case : core themes and legacy by Hon Justice Michelle Gordon, 2021 CCCS Constitutional Law Conference Keynote Address
Electronic execution : where are we now? by Duncan Bedford and Jessica Laird of McCullough Robertson - considers electronic execution
Lack of room allows the purchaser room to leave by Kathy Gray of HWL Ebsworth - examines rescinding contracts for sale due to material change
Law Report (ABC) for 12 October presented by Damian Carrick - Judicial impartiality, and court disclosure obligations for electronic evidence
Off-the-plan contracts : a tale of two stories by Bede Haines of Holding Redlich - considers Anastasia Kalathas v 89 Ebley Street Pty Limited [2021] NSWSC 490 and Xu v Lindsay Bennelong Developments Pty Limited [2020] NSWSC 1692