Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
High Court confirms media outlets are liable for defamatory Facebook comments by Norman Lucas and Brigitte Challis of Maddocks - considers Fairfax Media Publications Pty Ltd v Voller [2021] HCA 27
The High Court of Australia and civil liberties from Melbourne Law School presented by Professor Jason Varuhas, Professor Michelle Foster, Tim Goodwin and Professor Cheryl Saunders
Law Report (ABC) for 19 October presented by Damian Carrick - Climate science dismissal case sparks academic freedom debate, High Court quashes Palmer $30bn WA compensation challenge
Originalism and Constitutional amendment by Lael K Weis in Chapman law review (forthcoming) - considers "a problem that constitutional amendment uniquely poses for originalism, namely: how should changes to a constitution's text that enact a new set of understandings be reconciled with the understandings of the constitution's framers?"
The practical impacts of the ADJR Act on judicial review applications by Brenda Tronson on Aus Pub Law - considers administrative law
The Proper Officer must be careful not to exercise judgment at the expense of applying statutory criteria by Andrew Gorman of McCabes - considers Oeding-Erdel v Allianz Australia Limited [2021] NSWSC 1264
Some thoughts about proof in competition cases presented by Justice Jagot, delivered virtually at the 18th Annual Competition Law and Economics Workshop on 15 October 2021
What do Australians talk about when they talk about 'parliamentary sovereignty'? by Ryan Goss in Public law (forthcoming) - considers parliamentary sovereignty
The Wigs Podcast from Stephen Lawrence (Black Chambers), Emmanuel Kerkyasharian (Forbes Chambers), Felicity Graham (Black Chambers) and Jim Minns - S3 E6 : Human rights and technology - Emmanuel Kerkyasharian in discussion with Edward Santow