New judgments

Australian Leather Pty. Ltd., et al., Petitioners v Deckers Outdoor Corporation, Supreme Court of the United States No. 21-513, Brief amicus curiae of Government of the Commonwealth of Australia filed, 5 November 2021 - "It is well recognized that Australians have developed their own slang and phraseology", "English-speaking tourists are often advised to learn some of the unique Australian phrases and terms before visiting. For instance, Australians use the term "flat white" to refer to a coffee and milk beverage with a higher proportion of coffee than is in a latte or cappuccino."
Hofer v The Queen [2021] HCA 36 - criminal practice
Park v The Queen [2021] HCA 37 - criminal law, sentence
The Queen v Rolfe [2021] HCA 38 - "s 148B of Police Administration Act 1978 (NT) ("Act") provides person "not civilly or criminally liable" for act done or omitted to be done "in good faith" in actual or purported "exercise of a power or performance of a function under" Act" Sunland Group Limited & Anor v Gold Coast City Council [2021] HCA 35 - local government, town planning