Interesting articles, speeches and podcasts
An ancient remedy for modern ills : the prerogative of mercy and mandatory sentencing by Julian R Murphy, Felicity Gerry, Rebecca Tisdale, and Julia Kretzenbacher in Monash University Law Review (advance) - considers the prerogative of mercy
Buried at sea : the loss of our freedom to access governmental information by Geoffrey Watson SC on Aus Pub Law - considers freedom to access governmental information
Disputes with international dimensions by Justice A S Bell, President of the Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of New South Wales, Address to the Annual Supreme Court Conference, Supreme Court of Western Australia
Dr Charles Perkins Oration, 2021, keynote speaker Tony McAvoy SC
Judicial appointments by Cassie Davis on FlagPost - considers how judges are appointed
Law Report (ABC) for 16 November presented by Damian Carrick - Adriana Rivas mounts new appeal against Chile extradition
We, the robots? from Melbourne Law School, Professor Simon Chesterman and Professor Jeannie Paterson