New judgments

Acting Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs v CWY20 [2021] FCAFC 195 - immigration, "national interest"
Campbell v Advantage Insurance Company Ltd [2021] EWCA Civ 1698 - "whether a claimant can rely on his own drunkenness, and consequential lack of insight, either to avoid a finding of contributory negligence or to reduce the apportionment of responsibility for his contributory negligence"
K Line PTE Ltd v Priminds Shipping (HK) Co Ltd ("Eternal Bliss") [2021] EWCA Civ 1712 - "In circumstances where the cases do not provide a decisive answer and there is no clear consensus in the textbooks, we approach the issue as one of principle."
Lloyd v Google LLC [2021] UKSC 50 - iPhone users affected by covert data collection will not be entitled to class-action style compensation
Xerri v R [2021] NSWCCA 268 - Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) s 66EA, whether intent of legislation was to operate retrospectively